Beautifully out of place

Beautifully out of place
She was beautifully out of place. Sometimes I believe she intended to be. Like the moon during the day.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

What's your name?

Lately, I've been asking more questions that I know can not be answered. Over the years, we develop common sense, and where the common sense can not poke its nose, we switch off the lights. I work with children. They ask me: "Why do we exist?". Very thoughtful of a ten year old, isn't it? I go on and think of dozens of answers that flicker in my mind like the fireflies in the summer night, I know they will believe any version I suggest. But I decide to answer honestly: "I don't know". All right, so this has nothing to do with the question I will ask today. Here we go: "Do our names shape our characters?". Perhaps, we behave accordingly. I don't even bother to google it now. All I know, my sister's name means joy and she brings joy and my friend's name means to laugh and she has the most seducing and beautiful laugh I have ever heard. And I can go on and on with all the people in my life and their names and match and mismatch the characters to meanings and my mind is now getting blurry. What does my own name suggest about my character? I will leave the answer to my friends. And good morning!

1 comment:

  1. we exist to worship Allah alone without associating any partner with Him. "And I created not the Jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me".(Qur'an 51:56)
