Beautifully out of place

Beautifully out of place
She was beautifully out of place. Sometimes I believe she intended to be. Like the moon during the day.

Thursday, April 21, 2016


There is something I want to tell you today. It is about signs or messages. They are everywhere and they remind me of little hummingbirds that you can never catch or observe for a long time. Puff and they are gone. But once you've seen them, reflect upon them. Now, I don't want to hear about superstitions, black cats and etc. I am talking about mystic signs that come out of nowhere but can change your entire life. Some of those hummingbirds have nests within us of which we are unaware of. Their little fluttering wings could shift our perspectives and let the light within us shine outside, metaphorically speaking. In short, we are what we think, we are what we act and we are what we love. Change those variables, and you will change yourselves. Change yourselves, and you will change your world. Explore the depths of unfathomable souls you possess. Never give up on yourselves. 

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